Zwyczajny faszyzm

  • Związek Radziecki Obyknovennyj fašizm (więcej)
Związek Radziecki, 1965, 128 min


Mikhail Romm


Mikhail Romm


German Lavrov


Mikhail Romm (narrator), Marlene Dietrich (m.a.), Joseph Goebbels (m.a.), Hermann Göring (m.a.), Adolf Hitler (m.a.) (więcej)


This documentary attempts to investigate the sources of fascism. It is still one of the most powerful antiwar and antifascist movies. The authors consider the nature and rise of fascism, the reasons for its appearance in Germany, the birthplace of Goethe and Mann. What forces brought odious poorly educated people to power? The documentary uses German archival footage, material shot by Hitler's personal photographer, images of concentration camps where thousands of people perished, tortured to death by the Nazis. (Moscow International Film Festival)
