Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla

  • Stany Zjednoczone The Boys from Brooklyn (więcej)
Komedia / Sci-Fi / Horror
Stany Zjednoczone, 1952, 74 min


The title's namesake, Bela Lugosi, stars as Dr. Zabor, a mad scientist living on the Pacific island of Cola-Cola, who whiles away his time performing weird evolutionary experiments. The island is also home to a primitive group of tribesmen. Into this mix, parachute two goofy entertainers (Duke Mitchell and Sammy Petrillo, in roles reminiscent of those most often played by Martin & Lewis). Mayhem ensues when Mitchell takes a liking to the Chief's daughter, sparking jealously and a devious plot by Dr. Zabor to make a monkey out of him. (oficjalny tekst dystrybutora)



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