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Apple TV+

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MarigoldNa Zachodzie bez zmian(1930) 

Sometimes a work of literal and monologue pacifism that leads actors to clearly defined urgent speeches on the nonsense of war - but they are far from the effect of Remarque's book, which is not nearly as formally… (więcej)

gudaulinObywatel Kane(1941) 

The work of Orson Welles is like a curse to me, and all my attempts to understand him have ended with the realization that we are consistently not on the same page. In fact, I have avoided Kane for many years because I… (więcej)

3DD!3Obywatel Kane(1941) 

A many-layered piece of movie history about a man who had everything and nothing. Welles is absolutely perfect as the charismatic Kane and with his sure director’s hand he leads the picture through various genres from… (więcej)

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