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Recenzje (335)


Twierdza (1996) 

angielski I've seen The Rock many times and I wouldn't say it's that much better than other action movies. Of course, Bay has proved what a masterful director he is, the technical aspect is a real feast for the eyes, and Connery and Cage deliver brilliant performances. But it's a bit spoiled by the cliched script, and, overall, it's kind of a copy of all other action movies. So why am I giving it five stars? There is one, absolutely crucial aspect. It’s Hans Zimmer's music, which perfectly captures the whole atmosphere of the movie and makes it an absolutely unforgettable work. If I were to name a movie with the best soundtrack ever, it would be The Rock. In hindsight, having seen other movies with Zimmer’s soundtrack, I could say this about each and every one of them, but none of them are as memorable.


Telefon (2002) 

angielski Considering the short time in which this movie was made, it can’t be called anything but a masterpiece. It grips you from the first to the last minute and won't let go even for a second. The script is excellent, but it was brought to perfection by two men. Namely, Joel Schumacher, who really proved what a director he is and especially Colin Farrell, because his acting performance is one of the best I've ever seen.


Dünyayı Kurtaran Adam (1982) śmieć!

angielski PERFECT is what I would say if it was supposed to be a parody or at least a comedy. Since it's obviously taking itself seriously, you really have to think hard about whether it's even possible to shoot something like this. I haven't laughed at anything as much as this ultimate "parody" for a long time. The final duel when the king is chopped in half ... I’ve never seen anything like it before, as well as many other incredible scenes (especially the training with rocks, I almost laughed my head off). It’s really one of a kind, receiving a score of 0%.


Mroczny Rycerz powstaje (2012) 

angielski I totally get that some people are upset about the final part of the Batman trilogy. The brilliant second installment was a tough act to follow. I think we can all agree that the second part was impossible to overcome. But I think Nolan created a more than decent ending to the whole trilogy. The beginning seemed a bit too chatty to me. It’s a shame that the scene with the airplane appeared in almost all the trailers. It didn’t have the desired wow-effect. In the second installment, action was in full swing from the very first scene, gradually escalating until the finale. Here there is a lot of talking at the beginning and action doesn’t really start until the scene when Bane enters Gotham, which is where it really gets going. Although Hardy makes a decent effort, he is no match for Ledger's performance of a lifetime. While Joker’s motto was chaos, Bane is more about total destruction, which is probably why many people were disappointed by this part. Batman hits rock bottom while Gotham is on the verge of collapse. But then he does rise eventually, and with him, Gotham’s chances. In the end, it's Batman as we know him from Nolan. After the finale, I left the theatre satisfied. All in all, it is a movie where there are more one-liners than in the previous two installments combined, and less action than in the second part. Maybe it’s not quite it, but I didn't fully appreciate the second part either the first time I saw it. My excitement grew with each new viewing. I’m sure this isn’t the last time I saw it, but it's already a movie of the year for me.


Gwiezdne wrota (1997) (serial) 

angielski The series of my childhood, which I used to watch every day. The absolute top of the sci-fi genre. If Anderson hadn't left, I would even go so far as to call it a cult series.


Gladiator (2000) 

angielski Without exaggeration, the best historical movie ever made. Under Scott's direction, the film has the right pace and keeps growing incredibly over time. The script isn't anything special, a great fall and a subsequent rise, but I just can't help myself. When I factor in Crowe’s brilliant performance, Zimmer's excellent soundtrack as usual, and great visual effects, it goes straight to my list of favorites.


To właśnie miłość (2003) 

angielski When the best possible mixture of romantic stories is combined with a perfect English sense of humor, the result is a movie that I can watch a hundred times over and never get tired of it. Love Actually is exactly this type of movie and I never fail to find the time to watch it during Christmas. An excellent combination of funny, touching or even slightly sad stories, with probably the best cast available in the UK at the time. I don't know anything better to set the Christmas mood. I always enjoy watching it because of its incredibly positive atmosphere. All the mini stories are so well-written. But let’s face of it, nothing will ever top Andrew Lincoln's "To me, you are perfect".


Władca Pierścieni: Dwie Wieże (2002) 

angielski I don't know why, but the second part will probably be the best of the whole trilogy for me. It's not because of the story. All the parts are great in this respect. It's rather because of the gloomy atmosphere of the whole movie. Unlike the calm storytelling style of the first part, things are set in motion, the movie has a swifter pace and more action certainly doesn't hurt. The great Peter Jackson has everything worked out down to the last detail. Especially the epic final battle shows his brilliant directing skills. Compared to the first installment, the visual effects have also improved, Gollum in particular is excellent. Although I consider this part the best, I'm not saying that the other parts are inferior. The whole trilogy deserves 5 stars.


Simpsonowie - Wersja kinowa (2007) 

angielski A movie I must have seen at least 20 times and still can't get enough of. Although I already know the whole movie, its every scene by heart, I still consider it one of the best and certainly the funniest movie I've ever seen. Of course, one might argue that this is just a bunch of episodes stuck together, but it’s more than an hour’s worth of the best that The Simpsons can offer, resulting in an absolutely perfect movie full of jokes, one-liners and funny scenes. A guarantee of great entertainment.


Skazani na Shawshank (1994) 

angielski What does The Shawshank Redemption represent to me? A work thanks to which I started watching and reviewing movies a lot more. It's a movie that defines film perfection for me, whose ending warrants a sixth star.