
Michael Sullivan jest zawodowym zabójcą pracującym na zlecenie irlandzkiego gangu w dotkniętej wielkim kryzysem Ameryce lat 30-tych. Szefem gangu jest sędziwy John Rooney, który niegdyś wziął Michaela pod swoje skrzydła, a dziś traktuje go niemal jak rodzonego syna. Michael mieszka w wielkim domu, ma żonę, Annie i dwóch dorastających synów, Michaela juniora i Petera . Rooney także ma syna, Connora, który coraz częściej zawodzi pokładane w nim nadzieje. Connor nie może znieść władzy ojca, ani względów, które ten okazuje Michaelowi... Pewnej nocy Michael junior ukrywa się w samochodzie ojca i staje się świadkiem popełnionej przez niego zbrodni. Odkryty, przysięga milczenie. Wkrótce potem z rąk zabójców giną Annie i Peter. Michael Sullivan zabiera syna do Chicago, gdzie spotyka się z prawą ręką Ala Capone, Frankiem Nittim, którego prosi o pomoc w wymierzeniu sprawiedliwości zabójcom żony i syna. Frank odmawia i wysyła w ślad za Michaelem bezwzględnego mordercę Maguire'a. Michael i jego syn wyruszają do Zatracenia, małego miasteczka, w którym mieszka ciotka chłopca. Nie przypuszczają nawet, że droga do Zatracenia stanie się dla nich drogą do piekła... (Syrena)


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angielski Road to Perdition is a very nice film with excellent acting and cinematography. But that’s where the praise ends. In order for it to be a gangster flick on the level of Coppola’s The Godfather, it would have had to focus more attention on the relationship between Paul Newman and Tom Hanks. And no humor should have intruded on the gloomy atmosphere. As it is, it’s more like Eastwood’s A Perfect World, scented with the perfume of American Beauty and ending with an overwrought climax. And the formulaic nature of the plot doesn’t do it any favours either. The phrase “he was my father” was on the tip of my tongue before young Sullivan even said it. ()


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angielski Or: How Even the Most Direct Road to Perdition Can Lead to Movie Perfection. A visually indescribably atmospheric watch. Precise acting, perfect camerawork and faultless and inventive directing. Sam Mendes filmed so far the most faithful adaptation of a comic book to come to the movie screen so far. Although the storyline is simple, that’s where its strength lies. It could be criticized for being a wonderful shiny load of nothing about father and son finding a way to each other, but that’s not the feeling I get from this. Quite the contrary, for one thing, the scene in the rain is now in my top ten best scenes ever. It just has everything. From emotions, through marvelous production design, immense atmosphere to the actors. And the entire movie is like that, just perhaps not so intense all the while. And that’s pretty good, don’t you think? ()



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angielski Thanks to Mendes, this atmospheric gangster movie is quite untraditional (for the genre, not for Sam) in terms of visuals and is more colorful than usual. Sort of unusually “beautiful", but still dark. Excellent acting and that revolting creature Jude Law got that trick with the coin down to a T. Road to Perdition has several extraordinary scenes, but Thompson in the rain is enough to give you a heart attack. ()


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angielski The best film of Sam Mendes and an absolute top in the gangster genre. The atypical casting of Hanks as a dark hero is an ideal counterpart to Newman's tragic boss, and his journey, fearlessly mowing down enemies led by perfectly slimy Law, is additionally captured by an amazing camera (see the unforgettable arrival in Chicago) and supported by impressive music. An underrated film. ()


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angielski Based on the successful comic book series by Max Allan Collins. With his film American Beauty, Sam Mendes raised expectations among critics and fans to such a level that he couldn't meet them, no matter how hard he tried. From my perspective, after careful consideration, I prefer Road to Perdition. Sure, in terms of choosing the subject matter, it was an obvious safe bet, but there was also a calculation with American Beauty, albeit a more subtle one. Mendes's gangster film is a compact piece in every way, with perfect cinematography, a strong story, and charismatic characters. Comparing Road to Perdition with what I've seen in the past year, I have no choice but to increase my rating to five stars. Overall impression: 90%. ()

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