


The story follows disgraced children’s puppeteer Philip (Sean Harris), returning to his childhood home of Fallmarsh, Norfolk, intent on destroying Possum, a hideous puppet he keeps hidden inside a brown leather bag. When his attempts fail, Philip is forced to confront his sinister stepfather Maurice (Alun Armstrong) in an effort to escape the dark horrors of his past. (Bulldog Film Distribution)


Ścieżki dźwiękowe



Opublikowano przez: Room 13

Rok: 2018

Kraj: Wielka Brytania

Format: CD

Długość: 01:12:51

1. Verse 1 And Main Titles The Radiophonic Workshop 02:56
2. Arrival Home The Radiophonic Workshop 01:04
3. Smoke Balloons The Radiophonic Workshop 01:48
4. Buried The Radiophonic Workshop 01:22
5. Verse 2, Possum Sting And Undercurrent The Radiophonic Workshop 00:43
6. Going In? The Radiophonic Workshop 00:43
7. A Demonstration The Radiophonic Workshop 00:31
8. Legs 1 And Forest 1 The Radiophonic Workshop 01:50
9. Legs 2 And Rumble The Radiophonic Workshop 00:53
10. Forest 2 And Bag Opening The Radiophonic Workshop 01:10
11. Marshland 1 / Anxiety The Radiophonic Workshop 01:24
12. Marshland 2 / Verse 3 And Nightmare 1 / Bedfellows The Radiophonic Workshop 03:33
13. The Fox Story The Radiophonic Workshop 02:22
14. The Fox Story (Alternative) The Radiophonic Workshop 02:21
15. The Barracks The Radiophonic Workshop 05:16
16. Newspaper / Stairs The Radiophonic Workshop 02:20
17. Storybook The Radiophonic Workshop 01:01
18. Helpless The Radiophonic Workshop 00:32
19. The Photograph And Fox Return The Radiophonic Workshop 01:30
20. Back From The Dead / Verse 4 The Radiophonic Workshop 00:39
21. Nightmare 2 The Radiophonic Workshop 03:13
22. Someone At The Door The Radiophonic Workshop 00:52
23. News Report The Radiophonic Workshop 01:13
24. Searching The Radiophonic Workshop 01:11
25. Cracking Up The Radiophonic Workshop 01:01
26. Pursuit The Radiophonic Workshop 05:58
27. Verse 5 / Breakdown The Radiophonic Workshop 01:01
28. Behind The Door / Mummy And Daddy / Possum-Man The Radiophonic Workshop 02:30
29. Devastation The Radiophonic Workshop 02:05
30. Arrival Home And A Demonstration (Alternative) The Radiophonic Workshop 01:33
31. The Fox Story (Alternative 2) The Radiophonic Workshop 02:15
32. The Barracks (Alternative) The Radiophonic Workshop 05:05
33. Storybook (Alternative) The Radiophonic Workshop 01:07
34. Helpless (Alternative) The Radiophonic Workshop 00:34
35. Pursuit (Alternative) The Radiophonic Workshop 05:57
36. Mummy And Daddy (Alternative) The Radiophonic Workshop 01:18
37. Devastation (Alternative) The Radiophonic Workshop 00:33
38. Opening Titles (Early Mix) The Radiophonic Workshop 01:27