
Despite being well into her twenties, Charlie still maintains a relationship with her childhood imaginary friend, Hugo. All is well until Charlie starts to fall for a new guy in town and Hugo's very existence is threatened. The Pretend One is a coming-of-age drama about Charlie and Hugo who are aged in their 20's and live in a rural town in Central Queensland. They've been best friends their whole lives. There’s just one thing – Hugo is Charlie's imaginary friend. Though their relationship has always been platonic, when Charlie begins to fall for Guy, a producer from the city scouting for a TV documentary series – Hugo realises he's in love with Charlie. He sets about trying to win her for himself but its obvious he can't compete in the real world. He decides that the only way to win Charlie back is to become real himself. He tests out his boundaries, tries moving objects and learns that he can channel energy when he becomes emotional. But as he moves closer and closer to becoming real, he pushes the girl he loves further away... (Cinemax)


Galeria (10)