Ponure chwile

  • Wielka Brytania Bleak Moments


Sylvia (Anne Raitt) is a secretary who spends her evenings drinking sherry and taking care of her mentally disabled sister, Hilda (Sarah Stephenson). Lonely for some male company, she begins to see Peter (Eric Allan), an uptight schoolteacher. That's when Norman (Mike Bradwell) appears. Norman is a guitar-playing hippie who has rented out Sylvia's garage for a place to duplicate copies of a magazine. Hilda loves listening to Norman play his guitar, and eventually Sylvia invites him inside for coffee and a chat. One night Peter and Sylvia go out to eat at a Chinese restaurant, while Sylvia's coworker Pat (Joolia Cappleman) cares for Hilda. Upon returning home and drinking more sherry, Sylvia makes a pass at Peter, who shyly declines her offer. When Norman decides to leave the garage for good, Sylvia and Hilda are left alone once again, to combat the boredom and mundanity of their lives. (oficjalny tekst dystrybutora)
