Budapest Inferno - A Molnár János-barlang titka

(film telewizyjny)
  • angielski Budapest Inferno: The Secret of the Molnar Janos Cave (więcej)
wszystkie plakaty
Węgry, 2017, 51 min (Wersja specjalna: 28 min)


Life on Earth is fed by sunlight - so one could think that the lack of sunlight means no life at all. The truth is just the opposite: a closer look reveals that most dark caves present wildlife in abundance. Recently cave divers and biologists has found previously unknown species under the picturesque capital of Hungary. The Molnár János Cave, the largest underwater thermokarst cave in Europe, has many more secrets to store. Following decided explorers ‘Budapest Inferno’ reveals the never before seen underground wonders of Budapest and the deepest secrets of evolution. (Mezinárodní festival outdoorových filmů)


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