

Lata 80. XX wieku, świat wchodzi w decydujący moment zimnej wojny. Rumuńskie władze postanawiają stworzyć propagandowy serial kryminalny, który ma dostarczać obywatelom łatwej rozrywki i jednocześnie propagować idee komunizmu i nacjonalizmu. Produkcja okazuje się ogromnym sukcesem. Jej bohaterami są dwaj policjanci – Gregor Anghel oraz Iosef Baciu – którzy usiłują znaleźć mordercę oficera Nikity Ionesco. Oprócz tego mają do wykonania ważną misję – muszą pokonać najgroźniejszego wroga swojej ukochanej ojczyzny, czyli zgniły kapitalizm. (HBO)


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angielski Those stupid people (I mean the American Amazon producers) probably did not know where to put their money so they came up with a project so stupid even Netflix wouldn’t think it up. They took their inspiration from the crime series of the communist era (including the Czech Major Zeman's cases), wrote a screenplay and let Romanian TV shoot it. In Bucharest with Romanian actors. And if that’s not enough, they took these six episodes to the USA and the Hollywood comedy elite dubbed it. And you know what? Those six episodes were quite hilarious. Sometimes the creators tried too hard and made the Eastern Bloc look really absurd, but at times they were right. While I am not able to judge how America was perceived during the communist era in these parts of the world, I have to admit that sometimes this show made me laugh. I think I would be able to watch the Romanian version as well. ()