
Tzanko jest odludkiem, szarym pracownikiem kolei, którego życie jest kolażem przygniatającej monotonii, marazmu i nijakości. Pewnego dnia znajduje na stacji dużą sumę pieniędzy, którą uczciwie postanawia oddać na komisariat. Nie przeczuwa jednak, że tym samym stanie się ofiarą korupcyjnej intrygi, za którą stoi młoda, bezwzględna i pozbawiona skrupułów pracownica rządowa o imieniu Julia. Kobieta wciąga Tzanko w misternie zaplanowaną aferę, która prawie zniszczy jego życie. Tzanko postanawia oczyścić się z nieswojej winy i staje do nierównej walki. (Bomba Film)


Recenzje (5)



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angielski I am constantly swamped by a plethora of average European dramas that lack originality, unique actors, or simply just an idea; I was afraid that a perfect European drama is practically nowhere to be found. However, the Bulgarians convinced me otherwise and proved why European naturalism is so important in movies. A stunner from the very first minute until the last second. I have nothing more to add. ()


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angielski The tragedy of an ordinary person. In the best tradition of Dardennov verism and the Romanian new wave, but adjusted according to Bulgarian time. A scathing allegory / tragedy / farce about a man who stutters at the wrong time, in the wrong place, to get back a watch that goes neither too fast nor too slow. A screenwriting masterpiece supported by fantastic acting performances and a millimeter cut, which makes things last just long enough that the viewer cannot get an overly clear impression. The point? Devastating. Wake me when someone films something at least half as accurate and uncompromising. ()


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angielski Glory quickly buried itself under my skin. A wonderful demonstration that a huge budget and CGI are not necessary to make a cinematic masterpiece, but that the basic building block is a quality screenplay. Glory boasts such a good screenplay that I can't even remember the last time I saw a newer film that was written so well. The beauty of the film also lies in its unpredictability. Every time I thought I knew the direction the story was going, there was a moment that I absolutely did not expect. The film also got to me emotionally - I sympathized with the main character, I understood him, and I rooted for him. A shining example of how easily modern times can crush a person, even if their intentions are pure and noble. One can easily get into a precarious situation, but the way out is not a walk in the park. The final scene is a brilliant cherry on top, I didn't expect it at all and yet it makes so much sense. It could have easily been called "Canko Petrov: A Series of Unfortunate Events." ()


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angielski If I found a bundle of money like that without anyone noticing, I definitely wouldn't go to the police like Canko; instead, I would treat myself and sweeten my life a bit. All the time I wondered why he didn't at least keep something and as the problems grew I felt more and more sorry for him. However, some of the situations in which he found himself were almost tragicomic. On the other hand, the self-centered careerist Julia often deserved a good scolding. If I were her husband, I would definitely give her a piece of my mind. Stefan Denolyubov absolutely thrilled me in the role of Canko Petrov and Margita Gosheva as Julia Staykova wasn't bad at all either. And what about the resolution of the story? It was perfect. It’s a really great movie! For its sheer originality, I have to give it five stars. ()