Tűzoltó utca 25.- Álmok a házról

  • angielski 25 Fireman's Street
Węgry, 1973, 97 min


István Szabó


Sándor Sára


Lucyna Winnicka, Margit Makay, Károly Kovács, András Bálint, Erzsi Pásztor, Edit Lenkey, Ervin Csomák, János Jani, Zoltán Zelk, Ági Margitai (więcej)
(inne zawody)


The block of flats in Tűzoltó (Fireman's) Street is being demolished even during nights. The heat, the dust, and the noise of the machines disturb the sleep of the people living in the neighbourhood for several decades. Their past, the wars, all the harassment and privation they had suffered - the history of about six decades - are revived in their surrealistic and rambling dreams and become part of the present, too. The picture of an overworked woman flashes up: although she buried her husbands a long time age, she is dreaming now about her youth; we can see another one unable to sleep because she always hid people who were hunted for; then an old watchmaker full of love: one of his daughters has gone to America, the other killed herself and then we can see young people in love who cannot believe their dream that they are dreaming about each other. (oficjalny tekst dystrybutora)
