Un giorno devi andare

  • angielski There Will Come a Day
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Director Giorgio Diritti has been exploring man’s relationship to nature since his debut film The Wind Blows Round. His third film now sees him leaving Italy and the safe world of “advanced civilization.” After a series of painful events, 30-year-old Augusta sets out for Brazil in an attempt to rediscover her lost faith in the meaning of life. Alongside an aging Catholic missionary, she travels along the Amazon, quietly exploring remote places and getting to know their inhabitants. Afterwards, she settles in the favela of the port city of Manaus, living with a family and temporarily becoming a part of it. But Augusta needs absolute isolation in order to look inside and come to terms with her traumatic past. In his meditative film, Diritti successfully expands his “injured” protagonist’s purely personal soul-searching pilgrimage to include social and political issues, while making spectacular but in no way superficial use of his captivating, photogenic locations. (Karlovy Vary International Film Festival)


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