Księga cieni: Blair Witch 2

  • Stany Zjednoczone Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 (więcej)


Grupka młodych ludzi jedzie do Burkitsville, by zrekonstruować makabryczne wypadki, które zdarzyły się tam w 1999 roku. Granica między tym, co zmyślone, a tym, co rzeczywiste, coraz bardziej się zaciera. W końcu sytuacja całkowicie wymyka się spod kontroli. Okaże się, czy bohaterowie Księgi cieni zabijają wskutek diabelskich podszeptów wiedźmy, czy też w wyniku zbiorowego szaleństwa rozpętanego przez media wokół The Blair Witch Project. (FilmBox)


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angielski The concept behind the ingenious first film is gone, and a group of anonymous teenagers head to the Maryland woods to experience the local atmosphere. Though this film is thematically interchangeable with any unsuccessful piece of horror nonsense, it earns valuable points precisely because it is not so much a straightforward sequel as a partial homage to the first film. I have such a deep-rooted memory of that one that when the characters started talking about being in the exact places they know from the movie, it worked for me. However, it would require some kind of climax at the end, and not just some timid wink and attempt to impress. After all, it did a good job of incorporation the mythology of the Blair Witch. ()

kaylin śmieć!

wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski This is one of those horrors that is not worth seeing, because their effort is only to make money on people who liked the first movie or maybe even believed in it. But this is definitely not the way to build a myth. It's like the script wasn't really cared about, all the foolishness just piled up and resulted in something that cannot even be considered a meaningful piece. This is not myth-building, this is just empty commerce. ()


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