
  • Stany Zjednoczone True Detective
Zwiastun 16
Kryminał / Dramat / Suspens / Thriller
Stany Zjednoczone, (2014–2025), 31 h 7 min (Liczba minut: 54–86 min)


Matthew McConaughey, Woody Harrelson, Michelle Monaghan, Colin Farrell, Rachel McAdams, Taylor Kitsch, Kelly Reilly, Vince Vaughn, Michael Potts (więcej)
(inne zawody)

VOD (1)

Serie(5) / Odcinki(31)


Głównymi bohaterami serialu HBO Detektyw są Martin Hart (Woody Harrelson) i Rust Cohle (Matthew McConaughey), dwaj detektywi i byli partnerzy, którzy w połowie lat 90. pracowali w wydziale kryminalnym w Luizjanie. Prowadzili wówczas śledztwo w sprawie makabrycznego morderstwa, które mogło mieć rytualny podtekst. Podczas poszukiwań mordercy ich losy połączyły się w nieoczekiwany sposób, co doprowadziło do konfliktu. W 2012 roku zostaje popełnione podobne morderstwo. Dwóch nowych detektywów przydzielonych do sprawy postanawia przejrzeć akta z 1995 roku. Martin i Rust opowiadają im o dawnym śledztwie i swoim życiu, wyjawiając przy okazji powody, które skłoniły Cohle’a do odejścia z wydziału zabójstw w 2002 roku. Opowieści detektywów o śledztwie zmuszają mężczyzn do powrotu do bolesnych wspomnień i do świata, który dawno zostawili za sobą. (HBO)


Recenzja użytkownika Necrotongue do tego serialu (14)

Season 2 (2015) (S02) 

angielski The first half of the season was severely lacking in atmosphere, which the creators made up for in the second half. But then several predictable things found their way into the plot, thus ruining my overall impression. Plus, the finale was full of pathos – like in a film in which heroic American marines fight off a space invasion. 4*- ()

The Western Book of the Dead (2015) (S02E01) 

angielski Watching the first episode felt like riding a flea. The plot constantly jumped from character to character, and not only in space but also in time, so after twenty minutes I had no idea what the creators were trying to convey to me. On top of that, so many problems/crimes were thrown at me that I really didn't know until the final scene whether it would be about investigating a disappearance, abduction, pornography, rape, or corruption. Too chaotic and devoid of atmosphere. ()

Maybe Tomorrow (2015) (S02E03) 

angielski After the third installment, I can clearly state that this season does not reach the quality of the previous series. The main drawback for me is the absence of a distinct atmosphere that influenced the entire first season. In this episode, I was especially interested in the influence of local politics on the work of the police, and the assignment of individual investigators was excellent. 4* ()

Church in Ruins (2015) (S02E06) 

angielski Oh well, just as I manage to praise one episode, the next one comes with something like this. Unfortunate predictability. Thank goodness the creators didn't think they would have to have Rachel McAdams stab me in the eye to make me understand that it would happen. It reminded me of some Czech movies where the sponsor is similarly highlighted ("Hey dad, did you take Argin Max today!"), but here it sounded amateurish. 4 stars. ()

Omega Station (2015) (S02E08) 

angielski Oh, I hope this isn't true! I don't know what the scriptwriter was thinking, but this was a disaster. The ending of the episode was desperately predictable, what I truly didn't expect was that terrible pathos, constant slow motion movements, and endlessly repetitive plot. ()

Season 3 (2019) (S03) 

angielski If you enjoyed the third season, you’d better stop reading. If you haven't seen it yet, stop reading and go form your own opinion. I'm actually writing this review just for myself to vent the frustration that came over me after finishing all eight episodes. The opening made me look forward to a crime series full of suspense and great atmosphere. Instead, I got a weird mixture of a crime series and Memento. Some of the episodes were mysterious, others even more mysterious, but the fairy tale/soap opera-like conclusion spoiled all the mystery there was. 3*- ()

The Great War and Modern Memory (2019) (S03E01) 

angielski The second season of the series didn't quite have me on the edge of my seat, but the first episode of the third season? Now that's a different story. I found myself totally engrossed, especially when the story took us back to 1980 (which thankfully was quite often). The atmosphere was just spot on - intense and suspenseful throughout. Here's hoping the rest of the season keeps up like this. ()

Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye (2019) (S03E02) 

angielski In the second episode, I really felt the absence of the intense tension that gripped us in the opening episode. It definitely impacted the overall atmosphere, which didn't quite hit the same high notes as before. Plus, the pace of the story seemed to slow down a bit, and human rights fighters had to suffer when watching that disgusting and unfair interrogation of a pedophile. ()

The Big Never (2019) (S03E03) 

angielski After such a promising start, I wasn't prepared for the gradual drop in quality. The use of the three different timelines was intriguing at first, but it felt like the creators had lost their grip on the story. I didn't have as much fun this time around — the constant time jumps made it hard for the tension and atmosphere to build effectively. ()

The Hour and the Day (2019) (S03E04) 

angielski The fourth episode left me feeling much like the last one — underwhelmed. Once again, it felt like we were just bouncing back and forth in time without any major developments. The tension and atmosphere took a back seat, and just when things started to get interesting, the creators hit the brakes, leaving me hanging. ()

If You Have Ghosts (2019) (S03E05) 

angielski The fifth episode had me on the edge of my seat with its mysterious vibe. There were moments where it felt like I was about to uncover some big secrets, but alas, the creators held back, leaving me hanging. The action-packed start got my heart racing, but then things slowed down, and I found myself yearning for some major plot twists to shake things up. ()

Hunters in the Dark (2019) (S03E06) 

angielski You know, I had high hopes for a gripping crime thriller packed with tension and a gritty atmosphere. But with each episode, it feels like the creators are painting a picture of an inept police force under constant political pressure from the so-called "bad guys" to sway public opinion. It's like they're trying to reflect the current lack of faith in law enforcement. ()

The Final Country (2019) (S03E07) 

angielski The seventh episode was a bit livelier than the previous four, but still not enough for a better grade. I can’t shake the feeling that the creators lured me in with an excellent opening only to deceitfully disappoint me afterwards. ()

Now Am Found (2019) (S03E08) 

angielski This one hit me right in the face. If I’d known the finale would end with such a cheap happy ending, I wouldn't have complained as much about the earlier episodes. All that was missing was an announcement that everyone lived happily ever after. ()