
1 Styczeń 1993 roku – zniesienie granic celnych w UE. Dwóch agentów służby celnej – jeden Belg i jeden Francuz - dowiaduje się, że ich posterunki graniczne, ta w francuskim Courquain i ta w belgijskim Koorkin, niedługo znikną. Frankofobiczny ze strony ojca, zagorzały agent belgijskiej służby celnej, Ruben Vandevoorde zostaje zmuszony do stworzenia pierwszego mobilnego francusko-belgijskiego posterunku granicznego. Jego francuski partner, Mathias Ducatel, odbierany przez Rubena, jako odwieczny wróg, jest potajemnie zakochany w siostrze Rubena. Wywołując szok otoczenia, zgadza się zostać partnerem Vandevoorde’a, aby patrolować razem bezdroża po obu stronach zniesionej granicy, w specjalnym pojeździe międzynarodowej jednostki celnej – rozpadającym się Renault Sedanie. (Hagi)


Recenzje (3)


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angielski Before I give you my review, I would like to thank the users Enšpígl, Snorlax and emma53. I’d like to thank the ladies for recommending the movie to Enšpígl, and I’d like to thank Enšpígl for passing it forward. Thanks to them, we got to enjoy an absolutely amazing French-Belgian comedy that at times can be pretty uncompromising. Dany Boon, the French guy, is taking it easy. But Benoit Poelvoorde as the Belgian is really brutal. The first half is built up so well that I thought that I would never again get to laugh so hard in my life. But the second half was really different. The frequency of jokes gets a lot lower, but I still have to agree that I hadn’t seen such a good comedy in a long time. Actually, I didn’t even know that this rivalry existed. Now I know and I will have something to look back on. ()


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angielski I considered this movie suitable for watching together with my partner. But after about 15 minutes, she gave up and said she would rather do household chores. I bravely persevered until the end only because the alternative of cleaning the house made me feel nervous. However, I did not fall in love or sympathize with this French comedy about customs officers affected by the European Union's disaster without internal borders. It is not offensive, stupid, or downright dysfunctional. On the other hand, if a television station airs the title on a weekday at 9:30 in the morning, it has no illusions about its audience potential - it simply won't be a blockbuster. The humor used in the movie did not appeal to me because of its excessive literalness and straightforwardness. Moreover, I like it when such humor is presented more civilly. Here, for a greater effect, it was exaggerated by a few percent more than I consider reasonable. Overall impression: 45%. ()



wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski A great French comedy with an original idea about closing the border, which doesn't suit the customs officers because they will lose their jobs. Starring the absolutely excellent racist and strongly patriotic Benoit Poelvoorde, who shows his comedic talents, and Dany Boon, who is more of a typical dork. The film is very enlightening as to the differences between France and Belgium and I had no idea that there was so much intolerance there. Funny, informative and well acted. 85%. ()

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