
It's love at first sight: Lisa, the beautiful miller's daughter, and Max, the king's son, meet by chance in a forest clearing, and want to meet again as soon as possible. Yet events take an unexpected turn...
When the miller Gisbert boasts at the palace that his daughter Lisa can spin straw to gold, the greedy King Gustaf orders him to send his daughter to the palace. Locked in a chamber, Lisa now has to achieve the impossible or else she will die. In the hour of her greatest despair a strange manikin appears before her. He promises to help Lisa, but not without asking for something in return. For Lisa's necklace, the only souvenir she has of her mother, he really does spin the straw into gold for her. King Gustaf is delighted, but his greed knows no bounds. Lisa is to spin more straw into gold – and each time she has to give something to her helper with the magic powers. The third time he asks for her firstborn child. An outrageous demand! With great misgivings Lisa agrees to the deal.
A life-threatening gold allergy sets King Gustaf back on the path of righteousness. He sets Lisa free, abdicates in favour of his son Moritz and gives his blessing to the marriage of Lisa and Moritz. The young couple are blissfully happy. But when Lisa gives birth to her first child, the mysterious stranger reappears and reminds her of her promise. Lisa offers him jewels and gold – to no avail. She may only keep her child if she finds out within three days what the manikin is called.
Feverishly, Lisa collects names throughout the country, but she cannot find the right one. Only when she tells Moritz of the secret deal do the two of them find a trail in the depths of the forest that leads to the manikin and his name: "For little knows my royal dame that Rumpelstiltskin is my name!" (oficjalny tekst dystrybutora)
