
  • angielski Water-Spider, Wonder-Spider
Węgry, (1978–1988), 4 h 16 min (Liczba minut: 5–8 min)


György Kertész


Zsolt Pethő


István Pathó, Endre Harkányi, János Horkai, Márta Fónay, László Csurka, József Gyabronka, Rita Békés, Imre Szalai, Annamária Detre, Ági Voith, Józsa Hacser (więcej)
(inne zawody)

Serie(3) / Odcinki(39)


It is springtime and a little water spider, in search of a homely place to live, decides to settle down by a forest lake, much to the surprise of his new neighbours: spiders don't live in water. And even if they did, why wear a pair of sparkling trousers under water? Soon however the water spider makes a diverse circle of friends who help out with the construction of a new home. First and foremost it's the garden spider who takes a shine to the newcomer: together they while away the days both above and under water, as they jam with the cricket and organise a sports competition, before winter returns and the water spider again needs to get ready to find a place to stay. (FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des Osteuropäischen Films)


Odcinki (39)

Búcsú a csigaháztól (S01E01)

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Légnadrág (S01E02)

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Vízalatti házikók (S01E03)

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Kristálypalota (S01E04)

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Miért ugrál a vízibolha? (S01E05)

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Hazudik-e a szitakötőlárva? (S01E06)

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A csigalift (S01E07)

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Árnyék a víz alatt (S01E08)

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A rák új ruhája (S01E09)

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Békabölcső (S01E10)

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Buborék nyaklánc (S01E11)

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Neveletlen szúnyoglárvák (S01E12)

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Csibor bácsi csomagol (S01E13)

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Úszik a csigaház (S02E01)

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Csaláncsípés (S02E02)

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A kandicsrák kincsei (S02E03)

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Katicáék csemegéje (S02E04)

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Életmentés (S02E05)

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Volt háló, nincs háló (S02E06)

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Az új háló (S02E07)

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Csigaház ajtóval (S02E08)

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A sáska nem szöcske (S02E09)

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A tojáscsősz (S02E10)

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Te mit sportolsz? (S02E11)

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Víz alatt, föld alatt (S02E12)

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A veszélyes homoktölcsér (S02E13)

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Eltáncolt üzenetek (S03E01)

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Vándorló levelek (S03E02)

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Az élelmes gyerekek (S03E03)

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Az orvvadász (S03E04)

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Felhő a tó felett (S03E05)

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A kellemetlen szomszédság (S03E06)

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Vendégek a tóban (S03E07)

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A párbaj (S03E08)

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A zavaros víz (S03E09)

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Mindenki tévedhet (S03E10)

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A nagy kirándulás (S03E11)

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Az öreg doktor (S03E12)

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Őszi szél (S03E13)

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