
The story follows the journey of a convict, Ramon, who has escaped from jail and comes to a remote mountain village along the Camino de Santiago (Way of Saint James) searching for a treasure hidden there years earlier. What at first appears to be a deserted town in which only a few elderly people live, turns out to be a village surviving under a curse that has existed for more than 600 years. Ramon soon finds that the harmless elders are actually looking for souls to trade with the Grim Reaper himself. And so begin his adventures to find the treasure, understand the mysterious events taking place in the village, and escape with his life.
In true Agatha Christie suspense style, the story also takes a hidden look into the values and traditions of a culture that is centuries old and is based on the myths and stories of the pilgrimages to Compostela that have been travelled by millions since the 11th century. (Anifilm)


Ścieżki dźwiękowe

O Apostolo

O Apostolo

Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Opublikowano przez: Orange Mountain Music

Rok: 2011

Kraj: Stany Zjednoczone

Format: digital

Długość: 49:00

1. Opening Philip Glass 02:10
2. Arrival To Xanaz Arturo Vaquero 00:41
3. Ms. Luisa's House I Arturo Vaquero 00:31
4. Ramon Investigates Arturo Vaquero 03:11
5. Graveyard Arturo Vaquero 00:52
6. Awake Arturo Vaquero 00:22
7. Town Philip Glass 01:41
8. Ms. Luisa's House II Xavier Font 01:16
9. Don Cesareo's Sensitive Side Xavier Font 01:05
10. Poison Arturo Vaquero 00:39
11. Rest, In Peace Arturo Vaquero 01:52
12. Santa Compaña I Xavier Font 01:22
13. Ms. Luisa's House III Xavier Font 01:47
14. Forest Arturo Vaquero 00:48
15. Trapped In The Forest Arturo Vaquero 02:56
16. Why I'm Always Reaching The Same Place Xavier Font 01:35
17. Santa Compaña II Xavier Font 00:53
18. We're Only Five Arturo Vaquero 02:08
19. Sebastien's Damm Xavier Font 04:50
20. Who's That Man? Arturo Vaquero 01:42
21. Lactose Intolerant Arturo Vaquero 00:59
22. Rioja, Do Not Worry Arturo Vaquero 02:09
23. Procession Philip Glass 03:57
24. Santa Compaña III Xavier Font 02:05
25. Finale Xavier Font 02:30
26. Sebastien's Damm (Instrumental) Xavier Font 04:59