
In the solitude of the Beskydy mountains live Vavruš Cagala and Cyril Hanulík and their families. Vavruš and Cyril are hard-working lumberjacks and foremen. Cagala's daughter Terezka is fond of Tomáš Hanulík. But also Pavel Zgabaj, son of the owner of companies in the valley, likes her. Cyril Hanulík is jealous about his wife Heva and wrongly suspects her of being unfaithful. Francek whom Heva loved before marrying avenges himself on Hanulíks: he sets fire to their beehives but the fire spreads to Cagala's hayloft. From that time on, the Cagala family is pursued by misfortune. They lose a horse and timber, and old Zgabaj demands back the money he leant them. He will relent only on condition that Terezka marries his son Pavel. Cagala does not want his daughter to sacrifice herself in this way. Terezka sneaks onto the Zbagajs' estate where she observes their tricks and an attempt to commit fraud with bills of exchange. On the urgings of an old woman, Francek's brother Vincek compensates the Cagala family for the losses incurred by the arson. Cagala can then pay back the loan and Terezka can marry Tomáš. (oficjalny tekst dystrybutora)

