
  • Stany Zjednoczone The Wicker Man (więcej)


Szeryf Edward Malus (Nicolas Cage) ma za sobą traumatyczne przeżycia, o których bardzo chce zapomnieć. Kiedyś niechcący przyczynił się do śmierci małej dziewczynki. Być może los pozwoli mu jednak odkupić swoje winy. Pewnego dnia pojawia się w jego życiu była dziewczyna, prosząc o pomoc w odnalezieniu córki, która zaginęła w tajemniczych okolicznościach. Śledztwo prowadzi Malusa na niewielką wyspę. Początkowo jej mieszkańcy odnoszą się do niego z chłodną rezerwą, później z jawną i rosnącą wrogością. Policjant wkrótce odkrywa, że na wyspie odbywają się dziwne i przerażające okultystyczne seanse, a ich uczestnicy oddają cześć pogańskim bóstwom. Powoli oplata go sieć wiekowych obrzędów i zabójczych kłamstw. Czyżby dziewczynka została poświęcona jednemu z bożków w ofierze? (Monolith)


Recenzje (3)



wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski If you’re not familiar with the original, this film will just look like garabge to you. For the connoisseurs of the original flick out there, The Wicker Man is a downright insult to the original and an absurd prank which must have been a flop already on paper. Neil LaBute is a terrible screenwriter and a poor director. His actor leadership is horrible. Yet, mostly for those reasons, this film slowly becomes, for some people, a kind of weird guilty pleasure. Today, the interaction between Nicolas Cage and the digital bees is stuff of legend (notice that there’s a version from which this top scene was unfortunately cut out). After all, this frantic Cage performance is the only thing to be excited about in The Wicker Man. And the fact someone was willing to play a cameo in this mess is really out of my understanding. ()

Lima śmieć!

wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski If there's ever a poll for the most shameful remake of all time, LaBute's film will have a certain medal position. A truly dreadful slap in the face to all admirers of Hardy's iconic original. A film with no atmosphere, no suspense and stupidly chatty, with a few cheap scares and where the hell are the singing and dancing numbers, which were an essential element of Hardy’s original and gave it an unmistakable appeal??!! Moreover, the whole concept of La Bute's remake is bad and tramples on the essence of Hardy's work. La Bute turned the originally bigoted and fatherly constable into an action hero (played by Cage) with a gun in his hand and some kicks, plus a "Commando" parental motive. The original constable's fumbling, astonishment and faint suspicion is gone (Cage's policeman is a very determined man and has no doubt about the evil committed), as is the fundamental surprise of the twist (the burning is mentioned from the very beginning ??!!). The action bees and the same annoying flashback to the police officer's traumatic experience repeated several times (what a cliché!) are just icing on the cake. La Bute, I love your debut, but this is a piece of shit! PS: I almost fell out of my chair at Cage's kick to Leelee Sobieski's face, relieved laughter, comedy... ()

Isherwood śmieć!

wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski A scripturally-neutered remake that completely disrespects the basic premise of the original film and bases the entire plot on a cheap crime-thriller that is sorely lacking in the mysterious atmosphere created by strange folk-song interludes and witty dialogue full of the conflicting mindsets of a forged Christian and a pagan community. Cage's cop Edward Malus is just a dry psychological sketch of all the menial clichés (the trauma of being on duty, the constantly recurring flashbacks), and at no point does the director dare to deviate from this template. Out of respect (in this case, however, it is a proper mockery) for the original, it sticks to the original outcome, but the final explanation is (like most of the "thematic" dialogues) just a bunch of pseudo-philosophical bullshit about harmony with nature. Unfortunately (not only because of the overacting actors but also because of the overall stupidity of the performance), it makes your ears bleed with every second word. Cage must have raked in most of the $40 million budget for his role because the poetically picturesque cinematography comes across as very cheap kitsch and overall it's a lame piece of trash that makes most people avoid the original rather than be impressed by it. ()

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