
Szalai Pista is back from America. Having worked as a stoker on a boat, he has made a lot of money. He wants to marry his former love, Borcsa, but neither his parents, nor the girl's uncle, Zsiga, consent to their marriage. They even manage to provoke an argument between the lovers, and Pista starts courting another young woman. A manager wishes to contract the pretty Borcsa to work in America, and uncle Zsiga and the girl set out to travel overseas. Pista, still in love with Borcsa, takes a job on the same boat. Borcsa is to act at a New York revue. Meanwhile, Zsiga and Pista settle their controversies, and the uncle pulls the strings to have Pista and Borcsa perform together, with Pista dressed in the protagonist's clothes. The show is a big success, but the young couple prefer happiness at home, and return to Hungary. (oficjalny tekst dystrybutora)

