
Enter the frightening world of "Vampire Princess Miyu," where demons are out to defeat the forces of good. In the first episode of the series, "Unearthly Kyoto," the heroic spiritualist Himiko journeys to the ancient Japanese capital to exorcise a demon from a child. There, she is confronted with a series of vampire attacks and must find the creature -- or creatures -- responsible. Could the culprit be the mysterious, beautiful Princess Miyu? Or is Miyu also there to defeat the forces of evil? In "A Banquet of Marionettes," Himiko investigates a series of disappearances at a school. However, the only clue the spiritualist has is a mysterious doll that has been left behind where each student has vanished. While trying to get to the bottom of the mystery, she once again confronts Miyu, who has become a student. Himiko must try to figure out just what the strange princess is up to -- and she doesn't have much time, because Miyu and someone else at the school have designs on Kei, the most popular male student. (oficjalny tekst dystrybutora)


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