Magyar vándor

  • Wielka Brytania Hungarian Vagabond
Węgry, 2004, 110 min


Gábor Herendi


Gábor Harmat


Gergely Pohárnok


Róbert Hrutka


Károly Gesztesi, János Gyuriska, János Greifenstein, Zoltán Seress, Győző Szabó, Tibor Szervét, Steve Hajdu, János Gálvölgyi, Ildikó Bánsági (więcej)
(inne zawody)


At the farewell supper before the conquest of Hungary the seven chieftains drink horse milk to such excess that on awakening next morning two of their comrades and the 600 thousand Hungarians have disappeared. They start looking for them. They find their comrades with the help of a little Chinese salesman. On the road Töhötöm devises clumsy verses, all the time corrected by Huba, Előd frequently invents something, like c-vitamine, the match, the rubik cube, etc. They turn up in the Pan-Slavic inn, run away from the Turkish women, gloriously defeat the British inventors of football, ruin the Austrian inn, survive German occupation. The departing Russians take the football with them. But by August 20th, the day of the fireworks, the chieftains arrive in Budapest. (Budapest Film)


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