
Lint and his lover are sailing and making fun absent-mindedly at Lake Balaton when the anchor suddenly gets stuck in a bomb in the mud. Lint gets hurt while fussing about under the water. A strong storm breaks out when they reach the shore. In the local restaurant the man recalls his memories of war, while Harlekin complains bitterly, she is superfluous everywhere, her mother is going to marry. Lint is talking about a friend of his in Pécs, a medical professor, when the restaurant owner, in a wheelchair, mingles in. He asks him to call his friend, for his daughter is in that hospital with brain tumour. In addition he relates that he was a bomber during the war. While they are waiting for the long distance line, Lint and the wife of the restaurant owner revive their former sexual relationship. By the time Lint appears again, Harlekin is nowhere to be found. (oficjalny tekst dystrybutora)

