
Bogaty playboy David Ames (Tom Cruise) zakochuje się w dziewczynie (Penelope Cruz) swojego przyjaciela (Jason Lee). Narzeczona Davida (Cameron Diaz), zazdrosna o rywalkę, powoduje wypadek samochodowy, w wyniku którego David doznaje licznych obrażeń twarzy. Poddaje się operacji plastycznej i nowa twarz czyni go niemal nowym człowiekiem. Ale konsekwencje wypadku są jeszcze poważniejsze - wkrótce David orientuje się, że stracił kontrolę nad własnym życiem... (Imperial Cinepix)


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angielski I was bored for most of the film and I didn’t give a toss about the characters (especially the main one, Cruise’s), but I loved the twist. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski Only on a second screening and with a few years' distance, it's truly a fantastically ethereal experience that breaks a person into pieces. It's not so much the convoluted plot, but above all the captivating performances of Tom Cruise and Penélope Cruz that will be remembered for a long time. Cameron Crowe did exactly what was expected of him: an intellectually and uniquely analysis of the soul that is simple as a slap in the face from the inside. And it works brilliantly. ()



wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski Crowe confuses the viewer too much with an overcomplicated story only to lead them by the hand at the end. But still, in some mysterious way, this likeable attempt at "Lynch" struck a chord with me. Imaginative direction, a great soundtrack and, surprisingly, Tom "I overact like hell" Cruise abandoned his usual mannerisms here and confirmed that he can play for real in Crowe's films (see Jerry Maguire). A pleasant two hours. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski The American remake of the Spanish Open Your Eyes sticks so closely to the original that there are hardly any differences in the story. Cruise and Cameron Diaz are both perhaps even more suited to the roles for me, although the Spanish actor whose role Cruise was now playing was also excellent. But both films stood primarily on the charm of Penélope Cruz. Playing the same character twice seemed like an interesting idea and she handled the transition to English with aplomb. Other than that, however, the American setting just didn't sit well with me. After all, to match the beauty that abounded in Amenábar's version was quite impossible. ()

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