Jeźdźcy smoków: Dziewięć światów

  • Stany Zjednoczone Dragons: The Nine Realms

Serie(8) / Odcinki(52)


W dzisiejszych czasach smoki można spotkać tylko na kartach mitów i legend. Jednak po ogromnym trzęsieniu ziemi, grupa dzieciaków odkrywa, że smoki istnieją naprawdę! Czas rozpocząć nową przygodę z tresurą smoków. (Viaplay)

Odcinki (52)

Pierwszy lot – część 1 (S01E01)

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Pierwszy lot – część 2 (S01E02)

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Wyrwa na świat (S01E03)

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Klub Smoka (S01E04)

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Pióroskór (S01E05)

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Skalny Rozpruwacz (S01E06)

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Nibyrożec (S02E01)

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Magmoziej (S02E02)

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Nieumarłe smoki (S02E03)

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Wodnisty podmuch (S02E04)

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W sieci (S02E05)

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Podążaj za piorunem: część pierwsza (S02E06)

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Podążaj za piorunem: część druga (S02E07)

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Wyjście pożarowe (S03E01)

? %

Sztama lub zgon (S03E02)

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Puste gniazdo Ognioglist (S03E03)

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Dr. Katastrofa (S03E04)

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Latanie zostaje w rodzinie (S03E05)

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Magma wyłazi na powierzchnię (S03E06)

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The Sky Torcher (S03E07)

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Zimne otwarcie (S04E01)

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Niezbadany teren (S04E02)

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Podróż do lódkanu (S04E03)

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Kaczy wabik (S04E04)

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Białe noce: część 1 (S04E05)

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Białe noce: część 2 (S04E06)

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Punishment and Torcher (S05E01)

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Welcome to the Wonderful World of Dragons (S05E02)

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Barrel of Vine Tails (S05E03)

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Scent of a Dragon (S05E04)

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Sting It On! (S05E05)

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Deep Freeze (S05E06)

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Dragons Everywhere! (S06E01)

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Break in Case of Emergency (S06E02)

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Undercover (S06E03)

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Webs' Masters (S06E04)

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Sledkin Stakeout (S06E05)

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Poison Control (S06E06)

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In Too Deep (S06E07)

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Hobs and Saw (S07E01)

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Hearts of Heroes (S07E02)

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Heart of Glass (S07E03)

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In the Cards (S07E04)

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Eugene's Lean Mean Extreme Dream Team (S07E05)

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404 Alex Not Found (S07E06)

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Rise of Jörmungandr (S07E07)

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How to Train Jörmungandr (S08E01)

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The Great Foster Fake-Out (S08E02)

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Science Vs. Nature (S08E03)

? %

Of Gods and Monsters (S08E04)

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Ragnarok: Part 1 (S08E05)

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Ragnarok: Part 2 (S08E06)

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