
W państwie Libria zawsze panuje pokój między ludźmi. Zasady funkcjonowania systemu libriańskiego są proste. Jeżeli będziesz się cieszyć - trafisz do aresztu. Jeśli będziesz płakać - przedstawiciele prawa wezmą się za ciebie. Jeżeli przeczytasz zakazaną książkę lub choć spojrzysz na przemycony obraz - popełnisz poważne wykroczenie. A jeśli zapomnisz zażyć swoich leków - zginiesz. Tak wygląda szokujący, futurystyczny świat Equilibrium. Jego fabułę osadzono w przyszłości, w której zakazano wszelkich przejawów emocji, ponieważ uznano, iż stanowią one źródło przestępstw i wojen. Aby spokój nie uległ zachwianiu, ludność musi codziennie zażywać dawkę Proziumu, potężnego medykamentu, który całkowicie zabija emocje, powodując u wszystkich jednakowy stan odczuwania. Jeżeli odmówisz przyjęcia lekarstwa, specjalny oddział policji, wyszkolony niczym wojownicy ninja w unikalnych technikach zabijania, wyruszy na polowanie. Do tej pory, wysoko postawiony urzędnik państwowy John Preston (Christian Bale) wierzył w system i podtrzymywał go przy życiu pełniąc funkcję doskonale wyszkolonego 'kapłana', wyszukującego i eliminującego tych, którzy nie zażywają swoich porcji leku. Jednakże pewnego razu sam pomija dawkę Proziumu - i odkrywa nowy niezwykły świat pełen różnych wrażeń, co daje mu siłę do walki o wolność. (SPI)


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wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski The cult status of Equilibrium has indeed remained a bit of a mystery to me, because this film cannot deny its B-movie aspects even through a poor visual aspect, which in some passages literally stinks of a cheap action film, or with the script, which does develop a very interesting totalitarian Orwellian-Bradbury plot, but at the cost of cheap twists and not very convincing replicas. Even the choreographic aspects of Equilibrium cannot match the brilliance of The Matrix, the futuristic martial arts only look good in certain moments, while sometimes it looks like an excessively accelerated pub brawl. Kurt Wimmer really isn't a great director, and the strangled budget certainly didn't help him much, so his film gives off an uneven impression, cheap moments alternate with successful ones, and good pictorial compositions are alternated by crap. I liked Christina Bale the most in the main role. He does not dazzle, but he plays his role with an overview (albeit without Reeves charisma). Overall, Equilibrium seemed to me like a promising sketch, walled up by overly flashy B-movie crayons. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski A slightly schizophrenic mix of 1984, Fahrenheit 451, Minority Report and The Matrix. Some may like it, but it doesn't work together for my taste. The beginning was promising, though, an oppressive vision of an Orwellian society, with the excellent Bale as a cleric discovering his feelings. It had atmosphere, it had depth, but as time went on it became more and more of a mess, kept afloat by the few scenes of Bale and Emily Watson together. I wish Wimmer would make a proper action flick next time, because the final action sequence was excellent. PS: My wish was granted 4 years later, unfortunately. ()



wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski Equilibrium is a sort of hybrid trying desperately to please. It would really like to be a philosophical sci-fi reflecting (not only) current affairs and at the same time eye candy full of cool things for the younger generation. In the first case, this effort leads to lame and smart sounding literality that’s enough to make you sick. There is not one originally presented thought here, or rather it has no thoughts at all. Fahrenheit 451°, Brazil and A Clockwork Orange can all continue to sit of their pedestals in peace. In this respect the creators really lost it. On the other hand, the action part works pretty well. If you take into account the movie’s low budget. Christian Bale is the only one holding everything together here with his charisma that also manages to hide his uninspiringly written character. So this is no second Matrix. Just a barely average B-movie playing hard to be something more than it is. And I don’t like that. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski Equilibrium is a decent B-movie with good visuals and an interesting subject, but its undermined by clichés and predictability. It’s a less artistic, poppier version of Lucas’s THX 1138, intended for a younger audience raised on computer games. Kurt Wimmer has something. He could become a great director when he grows up. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski A genre mix with a concept that not even the legendary 1984 managed to see through to the end. Where some passages here are missing action, that makes it better. It's a pity for the slow start, which instead of an exciting action sci-fi ride, resembled a tired post-apocalyptic story. The rest is visually attractive and intellectually engaging, on the second try even more abundant and complex. ()

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