Sabad Nirantar

  • angielski Word Within the Word
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Indie, 2007, 74 min


Rajula Shah


Rajula Shah


Rajula Shah
(inne zawody)


Elaborate lyrics infused with mysterious imagery, picturesque narratives full of worldly wisdom – mystical Bhakti poetry. The cultural heritage of this 15th century reform movement is strongly anchored in the collective memory of the Indian rural population. Still highly respected today, the most influential Bhakti poet is deemed to be Kabir (Arabic for “the great one”). In his teachings, ideas from Islam and Hinduism flow into each other. He rejected any form of religion centred on formalities. His lore advocates instead inner experiences on the road to higher spiritual awareness – it is an unorthodox philosophy, which warns against religious fanaticism and sanctimonious hypocrisy. In modern India the ancient oral traditions are under threat of falling into oblivion. Bhakti devotees, as a result, feel driven to paraphrase their poetic language and explain its complex meanings. Even the young director had trouble infiltrating this fascinating world of myth. Generations lost in translation: a picture of an unknown India where tradition and the present collide. (DOK.fest München)
